Monday, January 18, 2010

Revival Is Work

If we want New Testament revival, we need to study the New Testament pattern to be sure of what to expect. If we take the Book of Acts as the true ideal, then Acts also reveals the formula. It is absolutely clear; there was no other method than the preaching of the Gospel. This is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians: "it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe." They prayed, asking God to bless their evangelism, not for Him to do the task, which He had given to them.

People pray, "Do it again, Lord." But we should do again what the Early Church Christians did. When we do what they did, we shall get what they got. They preached, witnessed, and worked as if it all depended on them; and prayed as if it all depended on God. They depended on God, and God depended on them. Oh, that God can depend on you and me!

The early Christians were unceasing in their witness. "Daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ." Paul's witness in Ephesus caused the whole city to riot, and no wonder! He said "I ... taught you publicly and from house to house, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears." Even slaves found ways to preach Christ. Timothy is seen as a bishop today, but Paul told him to do the work of an evangelist, not just pray for revival.

Revival is a state of mind, not a time of year. Revival comes from people whose hearts are so hungry for God on a daily, personal basis that they transmit their passion for God to others - especially the unsaved, who wonder, "What makes that person so different? What does he (or she) have that I don't have ... and I need?" Make a revival mind-set yours today!

Today´s Scripture
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15)
Daily Power

I am committed to doing the work of evangelism, not just background preparation of prayer and financial support, but to put my own self into reaching the world for Christ.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Streams In The Deser

"If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

Rivers of living water. Not bottles, but rivers - fresh, lively, sparkling,
abundant, and unending. Some people live for what comes out of a bottle ... but Jesus wants you to experience a fresh, vibrant ‘river.' Television provides life's highlights for millions of people - just watching others live, or pretending to live; even for children, who have forgotten how to play.

Remember, people are always ‘going to live', but only after things change; after working for hours, or when they have money, or when they get married, or retire, or go on holiday, or whatever. Jesus came to give you life now. No waiting - wherever you are, whatever you are doing. He makes life live.

New water, new wine:

"No one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved."

God wrote His plan for Israel in the wilderness, across a blackboard forty years wide. The Israelites did not have to drink stale, flat water from skins - the Lord opened bubbling streams from a rock. The Temple drink offering was a celebration in memory of that wilderness water. Jesus, however, gave it a new and glorious meaning, a symbol of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. That symbol is a precious reminder for you today that God has made a provision in your life of fresh, lively, sparkling, abundant, unending waters of refreshment and restoration. Let that river flow in you today!

Todays´s Scripture
I have come that they may have life, and that they mayhave it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Daily Power!
God has made a provision for my life of fresh, lively, sparkling, abundant, unending waters of refreshment and restoration.

Finding God

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

My daily goal is to be in right relationship with Christ.

We will only find God if we truly want Him. As He says in the Bible:

"I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me ... Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, and nations who do not know you shall run to you, because of the LORD your God, and the Holy One of Israel; for He has glorified you. Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near."

And He makes this cast-iron promise:

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart."

At the point of our deepest need, the Good News of Jesus Christ cuts in! Jesus saw His life as a rescue mission. He said that He had come "to seek and to save that which was lost." He also said that His death was no accident - because He had come to die, "for the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

Is peace our deepest need? No, although Christ has provided that also. "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." TheGood News of Jesus Christ is our deepest need. All the unrest, all

the heartache and loneliness, all the pain and despair, all the sin and corruption, is replaced by the Gospel. This is the plan that God had in mind for us all along - a rightful relationship with Him, in which all of our needs are satisfied.

Make that your strongest desire today - that you are always in right relationship with Christ, because then you can change the world!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God´s Universal Health Scheme

Jesus Christ is the Great Physician, on call day and night. his surgery never closes, and you do not have to wait for an appointment. He specializes in all of the troubles that you may encounter, whether sickness of the soul, afflictions of the body, or the ills of society - and there are no fees. We all enjoy good health - when we have it. Unfortunately, so many people get up in the morning feeling run down. They start the day already exhausted, which was never God´s idea- I trust that this is not you The gospel of Jesus Christ is the "universal health scheme" for every nation on the earth, and the Bible is its textbook. Somebody said that God meant our bodies to last a lifetime, with care.

Healing originated with God - it was not our idea. At the beginning of the Bible, when nobody had ever thought of such a thing, he healed people... and that was four thousand years ago. "So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants." Nobody suggested healing to God, or begged him for it. He did it because it was his nature. He loved doing it.

If there is something that you do not like doing, you keep quiet about it. But if there is something that you do enjoy - perhaps a hobby, or a sport - you devote time to it, and usually talk about it as well. God did not keep quiet about healing - he could not. his heart was full of compassion. He not only talked about it, but did it as well.

The first page of the Bible says that "God saw everything that he made, and indeed it was very good." The last page says that "there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." There shall be no more pain. Things began very well, and they will end that vay. Make that choice today.

Today´s Scripture
I am the LORD who heals you.
(Exodus 15:26)

Daily Power
Jesus Christ is my Great Physician, on call day or night.
I know that he hears me, and will answer when i call.

Uttdrag fra Mark my word av Reinhard Bonnke

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jesus Is Real

If Jesus is real, why do we live as if he did not exist? If there is a Father in heaven, why do we behave as if we were orphans? If there is a Savior, why do we cringe in fear and misery? If there is a healer, why do we not we ask him for healing? If Christ is offering life in all its fullness, why do we scratch and peck around in the dust like chickens? Jesus says "Do not be afraid; only belive."

If things go wrong, they can also go right! If the devil can be effective, how much more can God! Faith is supposed to prove its worth in times of great need. For so many belivers, that is precisely when it grinds to a halt. For them, faith only works in blessed Christian meetings. To put it figuratively, they wear their life preservers only so long as they are on the ship, and toss them off as soon as they fall into the sea. How ridiculous can you get? Let us embrace the living reality of Jesus Christ in our lives today.

Faith may follow a process like this:

1. Believing something is true.
Believing that there is a God is not enough.
The devil believes the same thing. But it is a start.
2. Believing a person is genuine.
Many believe that Jesus was a good man.
But he claimed to be much more - the Savior of the Worl!
3. Believing in God´s power.
Many believe in Christ´s healing power.
But they did not make him Lord and Savior.
4. Believing as trust.
Trust makes faith personal.
We trust people whom we feel will not fail us.
5. Believing in Christ.
This is real faith. It is complete surender to hi.
Allow him take over every area of your life.

Today´s Scripture Daily Power!
For the law of the I live my life in the
Spirit of life in Christ fullness of Christ
Jesus has made me Jesus, and I am an
free from the law of overcomer through
sin and death. him.
(Romans 8:2)

Uttdrag fra Mark My Word - Reinhard Bonnke

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Hands Of Jesus

When Jesus walked on earth, and delivered people from oppression of satan, that old deceiver watched him. The blind saw , and cripples walked. Christ was destroying the works of the devil systematically. Satan ground his teeth with rage, and plotted to destroy the Lord Jesus Christ. He inspired evil men to crusify Christ. He gloated as they nailed down those wonderful hands of mercy. "Those hands will give me no more trouble," he tought. "Its all over!" What a mistake satan made. The very blood he caused to be spilled now breaks the stranglehold of Satan upon men and women everywhere, especially for you and me!

"In the minds of the seven lampstands One like the Son of Man, clothed with garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band... He laid his right hand on me, saying to me, `Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am he who lives, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of death.´"

An atheist once challenge me on a television program, " I do not belive that there is any power in the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus has been around for two thousand years, and if there was any power in it- as you claim - the world would not be in such a sorry state."

I replied, "sir, there is also plenty of soap around, and yet many people are still dirty. Soap does not make a person clean by just being around, not even if he works in a soap factory. If you want to know what soap can do - you have to take it, and apply it personally." Then you will see! That is how it is with the blood of Jesus- It is not enough to know about the blood, sing about it, or preach about it. I know challenge you, sir, "I said,"apply the blood of Jesus to your sinfl life, and you will join hundreds of millions of people all over the world who sing and say: "There is power, power, wonder-working power, inte precious blood of the Lamb."

Today´s Scripture:
How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead to serve the living God? Hebrews 9;4

Daily Power:
The blood of Jesus has broken every stranglehold that Satan has tried to establish over my life.

Uttdrag fra Mark My Word - Reinhard Bonnke

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Faith Fuse

Faith has neighter bulk nor weight, for it is something that you do. Jesus spoke of "faith as a mustard seed," reffering to something tiny, but with huge potential. Perhaps today, he might speak of faith as a fuse. Tiny as it is, it transmits the awesome power generated in power stations to our homes. Without it, every appliance is useless, unable to draw from that power.

Our faith - however small we think it may be - can accomplish great things.

"Another parable he put forth to them, saying: `The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all the seed; but when it is grown it is greather than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the bird of the air come and nest in its branches.'"

As belivers, we know that we belive, and in whom we belive. Believing tests us. Taking God´s Word at face value, accepting its devine authority, we plug into the very Source! Faith is teh vital link. By it, the energies of heaven flow into the world... and into your life. "Belive on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."

The greatness of God, the work of Christ, or the Word of God, without faith as small as a fuse wire is unavailable. The circuit is broken. Once connected, the fuse itself cannot help, but shows the effects of the power surging through it. It warms uo! Faith makes us dynamic, exuberant, exited! Allow the fuse of faith to activate your life today.

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith bur does not have works? Can faith save him?... Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, `Show me your faith without your works, and i will show you my faith by my works."

Today´s Scripture:
If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, `Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. (Matthew 17:20)

Uttdrag fra Mark My Word - Reinhard Bonnke

Friday, January 1, 2010

1 Nyttårsdag - God First

What better way to start a New Year than with a fresh commitment to put God first in your life!
Prioritizing God sounds simple, but the pressures of our lives try very hard to push him out of the way... and sometimes we find ourselves in that difficult place of suddenly stopping, reevaluating our lives, and realizing that we`ve somehow lost that all important first love.

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God " (Romans 12:1-2)

Jesus demonstrated this sense of priority even as a young child - at the age of 12, he astounded his parents by stating: "Did you not know that I must be about my Father´s buisness?" Later, in his ministry, he reiterated: "I must work the works of him who sent me." There was no question about it - Jesus´first priority was pleasing his Father. Of course, the first commandment is this: "You shall have no other gods before me." Right The second Commandment reveals further how important he wants to be in our lives: "You shall not make for yourself a carved image... you shall not bow down to them nor serve them; for I, the Lord your God , am a jealous God." Putting anything - Careers, financial achievement, even relationships - ahead of God constitutes making an idol of it... and our jealous God warns strictly against it.

Make a covenant right now: "Lord, I want to always put you first in my life, in everything I do. Enable me, by your Holy Spirit, to be consistent in this choice. Thank you!" When this prayer comes strait from your heart, then God´s part of the equation is to respond to you with his strength and ability.

Today´s Scripture Daily Power!
But seek first the Today I stand on
kingdom of God and God´s promise that
his righteousness, and he will never leave
all the these things me or forsake me.
shall be added to you. Therefor, I wholeheartedly
(Matthew 6:33) put my trust in him
This is From Mark my word by Reinhard Bonnke