Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God´s Universal Health Scheme

Jesus Christ is the Great Physician, on call day and night. his surgery never closes, and you do not have to wait for an appointment. He specializes in all of the troubles that you may encounter, whether sickness of the soul, afflictions of the body, or the ills of society - and there are no fees. We all enjoy good health - when we have it. Unfortunately, so many people get up in the morning feeling run down. They start the day already exhausted, which was never God´s idea- I trust that this is not you The gospel of Jesus Christ is the "universal health scheme" for every nation on the earth, and the Bible is its textbook. Somebody said that God meant our bodies to last a lifetime, with care.

Healing originated with God - it was not our idea. At the beginning of the Bible, when nobody had ever thought of such a thing, he healed people... and that was four thousand years ago. "So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants." Nobody suggested healing to God, or begged him for it. He did it because it was his nature. He loved doing it.

If there is something that you do not like doing, you keep quiet about it. But if there is something that you do enjoy - perhaps a hobby, or a sport - you devote time to it, and usually talk about it as well. God did not keep quiet about healing - he could not. his heart was full of compassion. He not only talked about it, but did it as well.

The first page of the Bible says that "God saw everything that he made, and indeed it was very good." The last page says that "there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying." There shall be no more pain. Things began very well, and they will end that vay. Make that choice today.

Today´s Scripture
I am the LORD who heals you.
(Exodus 15:26)

Daily Power
Jesus Christ is my Great Physician, on call day or night.
I know that he hears me, and will answer when i call.

Uttdrag fra Mark my word av Reinhard Bonnke

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